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Sales FAQ's

This Article lists frequently asked questions regarding Sales

Austin Rasmussen avatar
Written by Austin Rasmussen
Updated this week

Why is my Labour and/or Materials not showing in a Sales Invoice on Get Costs?

The most common reason for this is the Labour and/or Material has been marked as Non-Billable, you can see the Labour in your "Timesheets" Expandable Section and/or Material in your "Purchases" Expandable Section, but not in your "Unsold Costs" Expandable Section.

To Resolve: Clear the [Billable Only] filter of the "Unsold Costs" Expandable Section to see if they are marked as Non-Billable, and if they are, mark them as Billable.

Why is my Sales Invoice PDF not displaying what is on my Sales Invoice Editing Screen?

The most common reason for this is it is hanging onto a previous rendering of the Sales Invoice PDF.

To Resolve: From the Preview & Send Popup, change one of the display Settings and Save, then change it back to your preferred setting and Save again, this should re-render the Sales Invoice PDF to display what is on the Sales Invoice Editing Window.

Why is my Job showing "Ready to Invoice", but it has been fully invoiced and nobody marked it as Ready to Invoice?

The most common reason for this is the Job has Retentions being held and the Retentions are now Ready to Invoice, this is a Katipolt automated feature.

To Resolve: Go to the Job Page's "More details" Section and Check if the Job is ticked "Retentions Apply", and if so, are the Retentions overdue Release. Either: Invoice them, OR change the "Estimated First/Next Retention Release" Date to a Date in the future that they will be released and can be Invoiced.

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