This Help Article covers;
There are two types of Kitsets;
Master Kitsets - Code displays as “whole numbers”, and
Installer Kitsets - Code displays as “whole number" + "point numbers”
⚠️ NOTE: Master Kitsets cannot be edited directly, they must be Cloned to Edit. On saving they will take on a “point number” and become an Installer Kitset.
There are two categories of Kitsets;
Non-Branded - Contain Common Products that are not brand-reliant, and
Branded - Contain Common Products and Branded Products that follow the Quote's selected Brand
⚠️ NOTE: When a Kitset Heading is selected that uses Brands, the Kitset displays a Brands Section that requires a Product(s) in each Brand. Where a Kitset Heading uses Brands, there will be a Kitset Heading of the same name that is Not Branded.
To Add a new Kitset
Adding a new Kitset is done from Katipolt's Kitsets Side Menu's Kitsets List.
⚠️ NOTE: A quick way to make a new Kitset is to Search/Find a similar Kitset, Clone then edit it to suit.
Quick Flow;
Kitset Code*
Kitset Name*
Kitset Heading*
Common Products
Branded Products (If Uses Brands)
1. From the Side Menu, Press Kitsets Side Tab to display the Kitsets List, then Press [+ADD] to display the NEW KITSET Page
⚠️ NOTE: Fields with a red “*” are compulsory and must have an entry before saving.
2. From the NEW KITSET Page’s Kitset Information Section;
Select an Icon* from the Icon drop-down OR upload your own
Enter a Kitset Code*
Enter a Kitset Name*
Enter a Kitset Description*
Select a Kitset Heading* for the Kitset to display under.
⚠️ NOTE: If the Kitset Heading* selected does not use Brands, all items are entered in the Common Section.
⚠️ NOTE: If the Kitset Heading* selected uses Brands, on selection the Brands Section will display. To [Save] the Kitset a product MUST be entered in ALL of the Kitset Brands Tabs.
⚠️ NOTE: If the Kitset Heading selected uses Brands, then common items like; Labour, Travel, Flush Boxes, Cable etc are entered in the Common Section, and additional/branded items like; Switches, Outlets and any Additional Labour required are entered into their Brands Tabs.
Adding Common Products
From the NEW KITSET Page’s Common Section, Enter the Kitset’s Common Products;
1. Enter a Product Code into the “Product search” field to find a Product, then Enter a Qty to suit, then Press Enter to populate the Product Line
2. Repeat as necessary until all Common Products are entered. If a Non-Branded Kitset, when finished [SAVE]
Adding Brand Products (if a Branded Kitset Heading selected)
From the NEW KITSET Page’s Brands Section, work across the Brands Tabs, Entering the Kitset’s Brand Products into each Brand Tab
1. Enter a Product Code into the “Product search” field to find a Product, then Enter a Qty to suit, then Press Enter to populate the Product Line to the Kitset's Brands Section
⚠️ NOTE: Use the Page Left/Page Right Icons of the Brands Tabs to scroll forward and back to ensure all Brands have an entry.
💡 TIP: If you do not have a product to put in a Brand, put 1 minute of Labour in to meet the requirements to Save.
2. Repeat as necessary until ALL Brands have Product(s) entered. When finished [SAVE]
To Edit a Kitset from the Kitset List View
1. Select a Kitset from the List, then to display the Kitset Edit Page, if a;
Master Kitset - Press the [CLONE] button, OR
Installer Kitset - Press the [EDIT] button
2. From the Kitset Edit Page, Edit by following the "To Add a new Kitset" instructions above
3. When finished [SAVE]
To Add-Edit a Kitset from a Quote
Multi-Product Quote Line added to a Quote OR Kitsets edited at a Quote (that become a Multi-Product Quote Line), can be Saved either as a;
Quote Line - When [DONE] is selected saves "for this Quote only", OR
Kitset - When [CONVERT TO KITSET] is selected saves back to the Kitset Library for future use as a Kitset
Adding or Editing a Kitset from a Quote can be done 2 ways;
Adding a Multi-Product Quote Line, OR
Editing a Kitset Quote Line
To Add a Multi-Product Quote Line;
1. From the Product Line, Press the “More” (3 dots) menu and Select the option "View Quote Line" to display the Quote Line popup
2. Add/Delete Products as required
3. See step "3" below
To Edit a Kitset Quote Line;
1. From the Kitset Line, Press the “More” (3 dots) menu and Select the option "Edit for Quote" to display the Kitset as a Quote Line popup
2. From the Quote Line popup, Edit by following the above instructions on adding/deleting products
3. When finished either;
Press [DONE] to save as a Quote Line "for this Quote only", OR
Press [CONVERT TO KITSET] to display the NEW KITSET Window
⚠️ NOTE: If [CONVERT TO KITSET] is selected you will be asked to enter/confirm the Kitset details as per the "To Add a new Kitset" instructions above, then Press [CONVERT] to save back to the Kitset Library for future use as a Kitset.