This article Help Article covers;
General Rules if you have a Xero connection
Enter Job-related Purchase Invoices/Credit Notes into Katipolt, they will send to Xero on Lock
Receipt Payments into Xero, this will pull "Paid" into Katipolt (Katipolt "Mark as paid" button is for users without a Xero connection)
⚠️ NOTE: Purchase Invoice/Credit Notes entered into Xero will not pull into Katipolt, this is because Xero exports the Product Code and Description as 1 field and will not populate to a Katipolt Sales Invoice.
Purchase Invoice/Credit Notes that have a valid Job Reference will be assigned to that Job on Lock and can have their Product Lines pulled into a Sales Invoice on [Get Costs].
⚠️ NOTE: Before you can manually Enter a Purchase Invoice/Credit Note, the Supplier must be entered in Katipolt, for more information on this see article "Contacts - Supplier (Add - Edit - Remove)"
To Add or Edit a Purchase Invoice/Credit Note
Adding or Editing a Purchase Invoice/Credit Note is done from the Purchases Side Menu OR the Purchases Expanding Section of a Job's Sales & Costs Top Tab.
Quick Flow:
[+ADD] OR Add Credit Note
Purchase Invoice/Credit Note details
Product Lines
1. From the Side Menu, Press Purchases to display the Purchases List:
For a Purchase Invoice, Press the [+ADD] button, OR
For a Credit Note, Press the Add button's dropdown, and select Add Credit Note
2. From the Purchases: New Invoice/New Credit Note, Select a “Supplier*” to display the New Purchase Page
💡 TIP: Start typing a Supplier Name to auto-fill and narrow the drop-down options
3. From the New Purchase Page’s Details Section Enter/Edit the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note details including;
Invoice/Credit Number*
Invoice/Credit Date*
Due Date*
Job Number (optional)
⚠️ NOTE: Fields with a red “*” are compulsory and must have an entry before saving
4. From the New Purchase Page’s Lines Section Enter/Edit the Product Lines
If the Supplier has a Supplier Price File in Katipolt, enter the Product Code in the “Search products” field, then Press the Enter key to display the product
If the Supplier does not have a Supplier Price File in Katipolt OR the product does not display and the product has a Product Code, Press the “Add Line” Icon to display a “Purchase Product Line” where a product can be entered.
💡 TIP: Entered "Add line" Products can be recalled in a future Purchase Invoice/Credit Notes, Quote, or Sales Invoice/Credit Note lines using the entered Product Code.
If the product does NOT have a Product Code, Press the "Add ad hoc line" Icon to display a “Purchase Ad Hoc Line” where a product can be entered.
💡 TIP: Entered "Ad-Hoc line" Products can NOT be recalled in a future Purchase Invoices/Credit Note, Quote, or Sales Invoice/Credit Note lines as there is no Product Code.
5. Work across the product line, entering/editing fields displaying;
Code (if an Add Line Product)
Description (if an Add Line Product)
Xero Ledger Code
Trade Price
Cost Price
⚠️ NOTE: If a Credit Note, the line Quantity's MUST be negatives, I.E. you cannot Save the Credit Note if it has any positive line Quantities. If the Credit Note has a positive Quantity, the positive line needs to be entered separately as a Purchase, use the same Credit Note number for the Purchase, but put an "A" on the end so both Credit Note and Purchase will be found on a Search.
6. When you have entered the product lines Save, either Press the [SAVE AS DRAFT] button OR select a "Lock" option to save the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note.
[SAVE AS DRAFT] – You can continue editing at a later time
[Lock] – Locks your Purchase Invoice/Credit Note, AND;
1) if you have a valid Xero connection, sends the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note to Xero,
2) if you have a valid Job Number, Purchase Invoice/Credit Note assigns to that Job and products are available on [Get Costs]
[Lock & add new] - Locks your Purchase Invoice/Credit Note, and launches a new New Purchases Page
⚠️ NOTE: If the Katipolt calculated “Total (Incl. GST)” does not equal the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note value, enter the Invoice/Credit total amount in the “Total (Incl. GST)” field, and Katipolt will insert an “Adjustment” line.
💡 TIP; To display the “Approved” icon on the Purchase Invoice Page and Purchases List View: On entry - Press the [APPROVE] button then Save OR following Save, Select the "Approve" option of the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note'S “More” (3 dots) menu.
💡 TIP: On [SAVE & LOCK] the “Reallocate” feature of Product Lines enables. For more information on this see article “Purchases - Purchase Invoice Reassign / Product Allocation”.
To Void a Purchase Invoice/Credit Note
⚠️ NOTE: Voiding a Purchase Invoice/Credit Note is a "Last Resort" as they can be Unlocked and Edited up until they are marked as Paid/Part Paid.
1. From the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note Page, Press the "More" (3 dots) menu then select option [Void tax invoice]
⚠️ NOTE: Only Purchase Invoice/Credit Notes manually entered or user imported can be voided, API Purchase Invoice/Credit Notes cannot be voided.