This Help Article covers;
⚠️ NOTE: Time entries are editable for a 24-hour period following entry, Tap on a Timesheet entry to launch the Edit Timesheet Screen.
To Enter a Timesheet
1. From a Job Screen, Tap the [Add Timesheet] button to launch the “New Timesheet” Screen, then work down the fields Entering the Timesheet details
2. When finished, Tap [SAVE (X.XX HRS)]
⚠️ NOTE: Fields with an Asterisk * are required fields and you will not be able to Save the New Timesheet until they all have an entry.
You can also enter a Timesheet from the Entries Screen by Tapping the Red [+] Plus button
Timesheets display in a Job Screen’s Timesheets section OR from the Entries Screen Tap the Timesheets button to see your timesheet entries for the selected Day
⚠️ NOTE: Tapping the Summary button on the bottom menu will display your entries for the Pay Period; Total Hours per Day and Total Hours for the Pay Period.