This Help Article covers;
The default Brand for Quotes is set at the Customer.
Changing the Brand at Quote can be for;
All existing Kitsets
All future Kitsets
Individual Kitsets
To change the Brand of Existing or Future Kitsets
1. From the Quote's Overview Page, Press the "Default Brand*" Expand More Options Icon to display the Brand options, then Select the Brand required
2. From the popup that displays, Select [CONTINUE] OR [APPLY TO EXISTING]
[CONTINUE] - Changes the Brand of the Quote so all future Added Kitsets will use that Brand
[APPLY TO EXISTING] - Changes the Brand of the Quote so all future Added Kitsets will use that Brand PLUS changes the Brand of all current Existing Kitsets
๐ก TIP: Sometimes with higher spec'ed Brands, to reduce costs you only need them in visible locations, so lower spec'ed Brands can be used in non-viewed locations, I.E. under benches or in cupboards, so change the Brand of those individual Kitsets.
To change the Brand of Individual Kitsets Manual Section (Quote Side)
1. From the Kitset Line, Press the "More" (3 dots) menu and Select the option "Brand" to display the Kitset's Brand Detail pop-up
2. From the Brand Detail Pop-up, Press the "Select Brand*" Expand More Options Icon to display the Brand options, Select the Brand required, then Press [CONFIRM] to save the selection
โ ๏ธ NOTE: If the Kitset Line has a Qty of more than "1", this will change the Brand of all Kitsets of that line
To change the Brand of Individual Kitsets Plan Section (Visbuild Side)
1. Double-click on the Kitset to open the Kitset Detail Popup, then Press the "Brand*" Expand More Options Icon to display the Brand options, Select the Brand required, then Press [SAVE] to save the selection
โ ๏ธ NOTE: This will change the Brand of that Kitset only
To change the Brand of All Kitsets of a Plan Section (Visbuild Side)
1. From a "Add new Section/Plan" OR "Edit section and plan" Popup, Press the "Brand" Expand More Options Icon to display the Brand options, Select the Brand required, then Press [DONE] to save the selection