This Help Article covers;
An example of using Groups is to create a Group called "Kitchen" and Save it to a User Owned Library, then on another Quote/Plan Drag & Drop the Group onto the plan, Ungroup, then place Kitsets in their final positions.
To Group Kitsets
Grouping Kitsets is done from the Visbuild Window.
Quick Flow:
Visbuild Window
Press & Drag Cursor across Kitsets
Group Right Click > Group
Group Name
Save group to library
Add to Library
1. From the Visbuild Window, Press & Drag the Cursor across Kitsets to select grouping
2. Right Click on the selection, then Select "Group" to Group, and display the Group Properties Panel
3. From the Group Properties Panel, give the Group a Group Name
4. Right Click on the Group again, then Select "Save group to library”
5. Edit the Group Name (If required), Add to a Library, then Press [DONE]
⚠️ NOTE: Grouped Kitsets can only be saved to “User Owned Libraries”. Grouped Kitsets Dragged & Dropped back onto a Plan can be Un-Grouped by Right Clicking and Selecting "Ungroup", and then moved to final locations.