This Help Article covers;
By forwarding Supplier emails with Purchase Invoice/Credit Note attachments to your unique Katipolt import email address, you can build a list of Purchase Invoices/Credit Notes in the Import Queue Page ready to Import into Katipolt
⚠️ NOTE: Supplier (Supported) Purchase Invoices/Credit Notes will be imported directly into Katipolt on Import, Supplier (Non-Supported) Purchase Invoices/Credit Notes will still require their details manually keyed in as part of the import process.
💡 TIP: Alternatively, you can Drag & Drop the individual Purchase Invoice/Credit Note attachments directly into the Import Queue Page.
Purchase Invoices/Credit Notes that have a valid Job Reference will be assigned to that Job, making their Product Lines available to be pulled into a Sales Invoice on [Get Costs].
To find and identify your unique Import Queue Email Address
1. From the Side Menu, Press Purchases to display the Purchases List, then Press the Import Queue Top Tab to display the IMPORT QUEUE Page
💡 TIP: The Import Queue Top Tab displays a red dot to indicate there are email attachments in the queue ready to import.
2. From the IMPORT QUEUE Page, Press the [CREATE PURCHASE FROM EMAIL] button to display the “Create purchase from email” popup.
The “create purchase from email” popup displays your Unique forwarding email address used to forward Supplier emails with Purchase Invoice/Credit Note attachments to Katipolt
⚠️ NOTE: It is not recommended that you give the Unique forwarding email address to your Suppliers, this is to prevent any risk of being spammed with items you don’t want in the Import Queue.
To build a Purchase Invoice/Credit Note Import Queue
Simply forward the email with the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note to the unique Import Queue Email Address
To Import the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note Queue
1. From the IMPORT QUEUE Page, Tick the left Tickbox(s) to Select the Purchase Invoice/Credit Notes to be imported and display the Multi Select Option bar at the bottom of the Page
2. From the Multi Select Option bar at the bottom of the Page, Press [Import] to display the "Import: Preview" popup where you can review the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note(s) import
⚠️ NOTE: Should one of the files being imported not be from a Supplier (Supported), Katipolt will display the "Import: Preview" popup from which the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note details can be manually keyed in.
3. When you are satisfied with the details of the import, Press [IMPORT (XX)]
💡 TIP: Items can be removed from the Import Queue by Selecting the Purchase Invoice/Credit Note(s), then from the Multi Select Option bar at the bottom of the Page, Press [Remove].