This Help Article covers;
⚠️ NOTE: The J.A. Russell Ltd API Connection Username* and Password* are NOT your On2site Username* and Password*. Your NZTG Regional Manager will advise you what they are.
⚠️ NOTE: You can only have 1 J.A. Russell Ltd "Day to Day" Account (as this is used to update your Price File), any secondary or other Account(s) are set up as Sub Type* "Contract".
To Connect to J.A. Russell Ltd
1. From Katipolt go to Company Settings > Connected Apps Top Tab, then Press [+ADD] to display the "NEW CONNECTED APP" Window
2. From the "NEW CONNECTED APP" Window, Press the "Type*" dropdown and Select the option "JA Russell Ltd" to display the Account entry fields
3. From the Account entry fields, Press the “Sub Type*” field dropdown to select an option; Day to Day or Contract.
Day to Day - Your main trading Account (this Account will be used for updating your Price File)
Contract - Your secondary or any other Account(s)
4. Then Enter your;
"Account Code*"
"Username*" (Account Code with a .ws on the end)
"Password*", and
"Transition Date" Optional (Not entering will update your Price File only)
5. When you have selected/entered the settings, Press [SAVE]
💡 TIP: Depending on your selections/entries, your Purchase Invoices will start pulling in from J.A. Russell Ltd, this may take a short while depending on the number to be pulled in. After that, your J.A. Russell Ltd Price File and Purchase Invoices will be picked up daily each morning.
⚠️ NOTE: If you choose to "pick up" J A Russell Ltd Purchase Invoices using the API Connection, do not Unlock any Purchase Invoice, Edit the Invoice Number*, then Lock again. As on the next pick up, Katipolt will not have a matching Purchase Invoice to the one in the J A Russell Ltd database and will pick it up again.