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Xero - Invoice Status and Common Errors

How to identify Invoice Xero Status and resolve errors

Austin Rasmussen avatar
Written by Austin Rasmussen
Updated over 5 months ago

This Help Article covers;

Xero Badge Colours and Display

Blue Badge - Sales Invoice has not been Locked so has “Not Synced” to Xero

Orange Badge - Sales Invoice has been Locked and is “Syncing” to Xero

Green Badge - Sales Invoice has been Locked and has successfully “Synced” to Xero

Hover over the “Xero: Synced” Badge to display the “Xero Id” and “Sync Date”

💡 TIP: If you unlock the Sales Invoice, it will continue to display "Xero: Synced" (as it has), don't forget to re-lock it following any editing to send and update editing on the Xero side. Checking the "Sync Date" will tell you when it was last Synced.

Red Badge - Sales Invoice has been Locked and has NOT Synced to Xero, displaying “Error

Xero Errors and Resolutions

When a Sales/Purchase Invoice is locked it is pushed to Xero. Sometimes Xero will reject the Sales/Purchase Invoice and the Sales/Purchase Invoice" Won't sync to Xero" OR "Won't go". When this happens Xero replies to Katipolt with a Xero Sync Error message, which if you hover over the Xero Sync Badge you can see the Sync Error.

⚠️ NOTE: Hover over the “Xero: Error” Badge to display the Sync Error message.

Xero: Error: Xero Partner App is not Active,… - Your Katipolt/Xero Connection is broken.

Resolution: Go to Company Settings > Connected Apps > Xero connected App and Re-Connect Xero.

Xero: Error: DUPLICATE_VALUE,… - You have a duplicate of the Job/Invoice’s Contact.

Resolution: Go to Contacts and search the Contact and Archive one (the one that is NOT for this Job/Invoice).

Xero: Error: Account Code ‘XXX’ is not valid… - Someone has changed the Sales GL Code in Xero and the “Xero Code to use for Sales” on the Katipolt Contact is now invalid.

Resolution: Change it back to the previous in Xero OR update it in Katipolt.

Xero: Error: The document date cannot be before… - The Accounting period has been locked on the Xero side, possibly because the GST Period has been closed OR the financial year has been closed.

Resolution: Unlock the locked period in Xero or change the Invoice's Date.

Xero: Error: Invoice # must be unique. - An Invoice with this number already exists in Xero. (Generally happens when an Invoice has been Voided more than once).

Xero: Error: Invoice not of valid status for modification – There is a Voided Invoice on the Xero side with the same Invoice Number.

Resolution: NZTG needs to change the Invoice number in the backend.

Xero: Error: Invoice Date outside… – The Invoice’s Date* is outside the “Invoices Transition Date” of the Xero API connection OR the Xero Connection does not have Transition Dates entered.

Resolution: Change the Invoice’s Date* OR Enter a Transition Date in the Xero Connection.

Xero: Error: An existing contact could not be found… – Generally happens on connection to a second Xero, (Contact sync’s fine, Invoice doesn’t) and needs to be fixed in the backend

Resolution: NZTG needs to delete the “Xero Contact ID” in the backend > Save, then on the frontend User can press Resend to Xero

Xero: Error: Check the API Status page – this is an error on the Xero side.

Xero: Error: during the authentication process – this is an error on the Xero side.

Resolution: Not much you can do other than check out http:/// as Xero may be experiencing an issue.

Xero: Error: No response data from Xero,… - Possibly there is an issue Katipolt/Xero side preventing syncing and repeated attempts have exceeded the limit of data transactions per minute to Xero.

Resolution: Wait a short time and try again.

Xero: Error: No Xero: Error text – this is where the Member is on a limited Xero Subscription OR the person who did the initial Xero connection had restricted Xero permissions.

Resolution: Change the Subscription level OR Change the person’s permission level and re-connect Xero.


Stage displaying [N/A] on a JA Russell Ltd API Purchase Invoice, you have your Xero API Connection “Export Supplier Invoice to Accounting” field set to “Manual Only”.

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