This Help Article covers;
The Profit & Loss Summary Report displays as 1 part;
List View - A list of Job(s) "In Progress" for the last 180 days OR selected period
To display a List of Jobs to view Profit & Loss Summary
Displaying a List of Jobs to view Profit & Loss is done from the Side Menu's Reports Side Tab’s Quick Options.
Quick Flow:
Reports Side Tab
"Profit & Loss Summary" Option
1. Hover over the Reports Side Tab and Select the option "Profit & Loss Summary" to display the REPORTS: Profit & Loss Page
💡 TIP: The REPORTS: Profit & Loss Summary Page by default displays a list of Jobs “Stage: In Progress”, and "Last Modified: Last 180 Days", you can customize the view by Pressing the Refine Filters button, then Selecting from the array of filters, then Pressing the [VIEW RESULTS] button.
Profit & Loss Summary
⚠️ NOTE: The profit & loss summary values are calculated overnight and are accurate as of the end of the previous day. Press on the Arrow to the right of the Jobs Profit & Loss line to drill down to a specific Job to see the most up-to-date values.
The Profit & Loss Summary displays differently for;
Charge Up Jobs - Actual values only
Quoted Jobs - Quoted values V Actual values
Charge Up Jobs:
Charge Up Jobs display;
Actual Hours,
Actual Costs (Timesheets, Purchases, Site/Ad-Hoc Costs entries),
Actual Sell,
Actual Profit, and
Actual Margin
Because you use a Price Rule Book that is set to, or above your Minimum Margin % requirements, all Jobs should be running the Gross Profit you want.
If a Job is not running at your Minimum Margin %, drill down to check if:
There are Costs allocated to the Job that have not been sold, this is normal if Work In Progress (WIP),
There are Costs allocated to the Job that do not belong to the Job, or
You have overlooked Invoicing
⚠️ NOTE: Press on the Arrow to the right of the Jobs Profit & Loss line to display a more detailed breakdown of the Job’s Profit & Loss.
Quoted Jobs:
With a Quoted Job, as you have Quoted it, Katipolt displays the same information as Charge Up Jobs, but we also measure the Actual values against the Quoted values.
Quoted Jobs display:
Quoted Hours V Actual Hours,
Quoted Costs V Actual Costs (Timesheets, Purchases, Site/Ad-Hoc Costs entries),
Quoted Sell V Actual Sell,
Quoted Profit V Actual Profit, and
Quote Margin V Actual Margin
💡 TIP: The "Actual Profit" $ value displays red until it reaches the "Quoted Profit" $ value.
⚠️ NOTE: Additional columns can be displayed that take into consideration un-invoiced retentions on a Quoted Job, Press the "Display Settings" to toggle "On"/"Off".
Actual Sell (with retentions)
Actual Margin (with retentions)
Retentions (Accumulated to Date)
If a Job is not running at your Minimum Margin % (Or Quoted Margin %), drill down to check if:
There are Costs allocated to the Quoted Job that have not been claimed, this is normal if Work In Progress (WIP),
There are Costs allocated to the Quoted Job that do not belong to the Job,
There is a Progress Claim you have overlooked Invoicing
Staff are taking more hours to do the Job than were allowed in the Quote
Materials being purchased are not, or are costing more than those allowed in the Quote
⚠️ NOTE: Press on the Arrow to the right of the Jobs Profit & Loss line to display a more detailed breakdown of the Job’s Profit & Loss.
💡 TIP: Reports can be exported as CSV or Excel files