This Help Article covers;
J.A. Russell Ltd is our Primary Supply Partner and Katipolt connects to J.A. Russell Ltd via an API Connection.
The API Connection is used to update your Day-to-day pricing and pick up your daily Purchase Invoices overnight
JA RUSSELL LTD is displayed in Capital letters to make it stand out as it is a shared Contact between you and Katipolt
⚠️ NOTE: Branches look at the Branch List Lines, so if your City expandable sections are closed, you may only see 2 expandable sections, to find your branch, either change the “Rows per page” view OR navigate to the next page.
To Set Your Default Branch
From the JA RUSSELL LTD Contact Window, from the Branch’s List Line, Press the “More” (3 dots) button and Select the option “Set as default” to select as Default
The Default Branch will display the blue [Default] badge
To Toggle Branches “On”/”Off”
Toggling other Branches “On” allows you to see stock levels at that Branch when looking for Products, and also makes that Branch available for selection when placing Orders
Press on the Expand button of the City where the Branch is located, then Press on the “Enable” button to toggle the Branch “On” or “Off”
To Set JA RUSSELL LTD Xero Codes
From the JA RUSSELL LTD Contact Window, Press the "Settings" top tab to display the Xero expandable Section, then select a “Xero Code to use for Sales” and “Xero Code to use for Purchases”, then [SAVE]
To Override the Document Presets for JA RUSSELL LTD Orders
From the JA RUSSELL LTD Contact Window, Press the "Settings" top tab to display the Orders expandable Section, then select a Document Preset for “Supplier Order Preset” and “Supplier Order Email Template”, then [SAVE]
⚠️ NOTE: The “Supplier Order Preset” and “Supplier Order Email Preset” auto-populates with the Company Settings default and will follow these unless overridden for this Customer JA RUSSELL LTD
Grey Text = Auto populating from Company Settings
Black Text = Has been overridden at JA RUSSELL LTD Contact
JA RUSSELL LTD Products can be accessed /viewed from the JA RUSSELL LTD Contact Window's “Product” top tab. JA RUSSELL LTD Products Window will display more information and provide more features than other suppliers
Box/Number - J.A. Russell Ltd Quantity on hand (for Branches toggled “On”)
Clock/Number - Your recently purchased Quantities of the product
VIEW SDOC - Launches the SDoc for the selected product
VIEW ON2SITE – Launches the on2site product page for the selected product (you need to be logged in)
From the Order Window, you can select your Supplier Account you want to make the Purchase against
💡 TIP: Supplier Account must be entered into, and have an API Connection at Company Settings for it to display in the Supplier Account* field.
From the Order Window, you can select the Branch you want to place the Order at
💡 TIP: The Branch must be toggled “On” at the JA RUSSELL LTD Contact for it to display in the Branch* field for selection.
💡 TIP: Having entered a Product, Press on the “Stock” number of a Product line to launch the Branch Stock popup.
From the Branch Stock popup, the Stock levels are displayed for any Branches you have toggled "On"
Your Default Branch will display the blue [Default] badge, and a blue line will display on the Branch selected in the Order's Branch* field.